The Rationale Thinker

Becc Foden
1 min readSep 7, 2020

I was speaking to a friend the other day on rational thinking & thinking with emotion…. I use the term speaking loosely as it was via text message & actual words were not spoken, but merely the heightened sense that as I age I will for sure develop arthritis in my fingers…. oh the joys of technology!!

Anyways as I was saying; rational vs. emotion….

These are my thoughts

1. A rational thinker still thinks with emotion…. they may not feel the depths of the emotion building inside of them but it is there lurking beneath the surface.

2. One who is rational & one that is emotional surely together they can develop reason??

3. My friend stated that emotions get in the way of reason & rationalisation…. perhaps…. sometimes emotions can misconstrue what you really rationally should be doing…. but c’mon emotions can be fun!!

4. Perhaps emotional in this context should be changed to dreamer…. in that sense then it is ok for a rational thinker to be a dreamer, they just need to be able to tell the difference between what is real & what is make believe & remember which one they can pretend exists…. kind of like taking an acid trip, but lets face it how many times do you wish that was real… anyhoo that is another story time….

Who am I…. I am a dreamer who rationally thinks with emotion….

Welcome to my blog….



Becc Foden

Just a 40 something woman trying to navigate this thing we call life